JF-17 Avionics Architecture will be supported by two mission computers based on around Multi-Bus System (MIL-STD-1553B). The heart of the system is a 32-bit Weapon and Mission management Computer (WMMC) which performs mission computations, flight management, reconfiguration / redundancy management and in-flight system self-test.
The Aircraft will be equipped with advanced multi-track, multi-mode, pulse Doppler radar for air to air, air to surface attack capabilities. Accurate navigation and guidance is realized through hybrid technology using Ring Laser Gyros (RLG) based Inertial Navigation System (INS) and Global Positioning System (GPS). Independent Data link with 2 Independent Wide-Band Radios will take care of communication even during intense EW environment . EW suite comprises of Self Production Jammer (SPJ), Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS), Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), Chaff & Flare Dispenser (CFD). Laser Designator and Targeting Pod (LDTP) is for target illumination and detection with day/ night capabilities.
Glass cockpit uses Smart Multifunction Color Display (SMFCD) and Smart Heads-Up Display (SHUD) with built in symbol generation capability to optimize integrated architecture. ICP and HOTAS arrangement. Identification of Friend and foe (IFF) implements Secure mode for EW environment. Target verification is with onboard IFF interrogator for BVR missile firing.
Sources: Pakdef & Zafar Iqbal's Report (Some Text also taken from this report)
JF-17 has quadruplex, digital, fly-by-wire flight control system and two hydraulic systems for backup.
JF-17 Radar:
A Chinese radar KLJ-7 has been selected for the initial batch of JF-17s.

KLJ-7 is a multi–function X-band Pulse-Doppler fire control radar. It was developed by Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology (NRIET), also known as the China Electronics Technology Company's (CETC's) No. 14 Research Institute.
- Frequency: X band
- Operation range (RCS of 5 m2) :
Up-looking detection range >105KM
Down-looking detection range >85km - Management of up to 40 targets
- Numbers of simultaneously tracked targets: 10
- Simultaneously fire on 2 BVR targets
- Weight: <120 kg
- Meantime between failure: 220 hours
- Meantime to recovery: 0.5 hours
- Guidance for medium/long range missiles.
- All waveform design.
- Air/air, Air/ground, air/sea and navigation functions.
- Compact structure.
- Parasitic IFF antena on radar anetnna array.
- Low sidelobe slotted plane array antenna technique.
- High-speed parallel digitial signal processing.
14 Operational Modes:
- Range While Search (RWS)
- Velocity Search (VS)
- Single Target Track (STT)
- Track While Scan (TWS)
- Dual Target Track (DTT)
- Situational Awareness Mode (SAM)
- Air Combat Mode (ACM)(with five sub-modes)
- Real Beam Map (RBM)
- Doppler Beam Sharpening (DBS)
- Ground Moving Target Indication/Ground Moving Target Track (GMTI/GMTT)
- Air to Ground Ranging (AGR)
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
- Sea Single Target Track (SSTT)
- Beacon (BCN)
JF-17 Cockpit: