JF-17 Thunder aircraft will be the topic of discussion at the upcomming International Fighter Conference to be held in London on 8-10 November, 2011.
Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman will be talking about the development and service entry of JF-17 into Pakistan Airforce.
Source: http://www.international-fighter.com/Event.aspx?id=585544#air_chief_marshal_rao_qamar_suleman
Sir, you are the Greatest Ever Air Chief Marshal of Pakistan Air Force. Under your dynamic leadership and Excellent Professional Experties the PAF has become one of the Most Modern Air Force of the World. Sir, you have brought many innovations into PAF arsenal like the Most Lethal War Machine JF-17 Thunder Block I-II, F-16s, Radars, Training, AEWACs, Air to Air refuellers IL-78 MRTT planes, Drons, Air Defence Systems & Integrated Command & Control, Transport, SSW, Missiles, Network Centric Command and so on. The Nation is “PROUD OF YOU” and stands shoulder to shoulder with our Beloved Armed Forces. Our Prayers are with you, May ALLAH Bless You. Aameen……